Campus Life Vision and Mission
We believe our role in human development involves ensuring that all community members have the support and motivation to manage their challenges and opportunities.
We believe it is our duty to provide a high standard of care for students, community members, colleagues, and ourselves.
We believe engagement in the residential experience contributes powerfully to the completeness of a liberal arts education resulting also in an affinity for the institution, a heightened value for the community, and a thirst for lifelong learning.
We believe our vision will be achieved when we lead with integrity and transparency. We succeed when we engage our community, embrace differences, act generously and humbly, and pursue only excellence.
Embrace your passion. Unleash your potential.
Vision Statement
Emory Campus Life, a community recognized internationally for advancing education into action and delivering world-class programs and services, promotes a healthy and sustainable environment where students live what they learn and learn what they live for self and society. ECL catalyzes a distinctive, caring, inquiry-driven, ethically engaged, polycultural, and socially just community of students, faculty, staff, alumni, families, and visitors who imagine and lead positive transformation in the world.
Mission Statement
Emory Campus Life cultivates a welcoming and dynamic community committed to developing skills necessary for lifelong success and positive transformation in the world.
Key Concepts
Advancing education into action
Knowledge being applied to the work; utilization of experiential learning to enhance classroom learning.
World-class programs and services
Best in class offerings; exceeding expectations and national standards.
Healthy and Sustainable environment
Commitment across the university in developing wellness and useful personal and life skills; engagement in practices that contemplate the needs of the present generation without compromising the needs of future generations.
Live what they learn
Maximization of the lived experience in the application of formal learning.
Learn what they live
Reflection on learning that occurs through the lived experience; 360-degree learning.
Compelling individuals and groups to significant action.
Recognition and appreciation of the multiplicity and intersectionality of our identities; the reframing of multiculturalism to view culture as dynamic and thriving
Socially just
Acknowledgement of the divergent social realities inherent in our community; equal and equitable access to campus services, programs, and resources driven by empathy and compassion.
Cultural humility
Community-based reciprocal relationships that foster a community of concern, understanding, compassion, and respect; intercultural exchange, self-reflection, self-critique, openness to new ideas, and institutional accountability.
Emory University Mission, Vision and Values
Emory University Vision
Emory is a university internationally recognized as an inquiry-driven, ethically engaged, and diverse community, whose members embrace respect and employ creativity, critique, and collaboration in providing courageous leadership for positive transformation in the world through teaching, research, scholarship, health care, and social action.
Emory Values
- Respect. Build an inclusive community based on mutual respect.
- Compassion. Be compassionate, caring, and optimistic.
- Ethics. Adhere to strong ethical principles.
- Service. Provide the highest levels of service.
- Collaboration. Collaborate and share resources.
- Eminence. Foster a culture of eminence that attracts and inspires.
- Innovation. Be bold in our aspirations, consistently exploring new ideas.
- Openness. Be open and transparent, and communicate with honesty and clarity.
- Flexibility. Embrace change and be flexible to a rapidly evolving workplace.
- Accountability. Be accountable and take responsibility for our actions.
- Stewardship. Act as good stewards of Emory’s resources.
Emory University Decision-Making Principles
- Emory will continue to vigorously pursue our mission to create, preserve, teach, and apply knowledge in the service of humanity.
- The health and safety of Emory’s students, faculty, and staff are paramount in moving forward into recovery. We will make decisions based on the best medical, scientific, and public health evidence. We will comply with all regulations of federal, state, and local laws and the requirements of our accrediting bodies.
- Emory will continue to provide excellent academic offerings, ensure our students’ progress, and protect their ability to afford to attend Emory.
- The ability of faculty, staff, and students to conduct research and engage in scholarship will be fully supported. Interrupted and suspended activities will resume as soon as it is safe to do so.
- Decisions will be reached in the context of shared governance and through processes that are transparent and collaborative. They will be supported by the best available data and draw upon the considerable expertise and intellectual capital of the university.
- Decisions will allow for flexibility to respond to rapid and perhaps unanticipated changes in circumstances.
- Financial well-being will be assessed with respect to the short, medium, and long-term impacts on our community and Emory’s financial health.
- Cost reductions through efficiencies and discretionary spending will be prioritized so as to minimize the impact on employment or compensation of our employees. If reductions affecting employment or compensation become necessary, they will be done in a fair and equitable manner that protects the most vulnerable (lowest-paid) populations to the greatest extent possible.
- We will communicate the basis and rationale for decisions to our community.