November 6, 2017
GLOBE International Families group, including 20 costumed children, participated in a Halloween trick or treat event hosted on Saturday, October 28, by students from the Longstreet-Means Residence Hall. GLOBE meets twice per month and describes itself as “a community for all international, multicultural, multilingual, and globally minded families of Emory University.” Read the full story in this issue of ECL Connections newsletter. For more information, contact Rick Huizinga, coordinator for International Student Life, at
Emory Dining has been recognized in two nationwide rankings for 2017. Best Value Foodsranked Emory number 11 among its “50 Best Colleges with the Best Food 2017-2018.” The Daily Meal ranks Emory at 19 in its ranking of the “75 Best Colleges for Food in 2017.” Learn more about Emory Dining:
Campus Life Center construction continues to move forward. The following highlights are based on updates provided by Campus Services.
The first concrete pour is scheduled for November 7, weather permitting. Although general construction hours are 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., concrete pours begin earlier to avoid concrete mixers getting stuck in traffic and to ensure the work is completed in one day. For this pour, equipment will begin arriving at the site at 4 a.m. and begin to pour at 5 a.m. This first pour will require 21 concrete trucks; they will enter via the Raoul Hall gate and exit via the Asbury Circle gate, a route that reduces noise disturbance to the community.
Work recently completed includes underground piping and utilities for a section of the south pavilion, which allows crews to prepare the area for the first concrete slab. Crews placed concrete footings, applied a waterproofing membrane to the concrete wall on the south pavilion, and worked on sections of the permanent shoring wall. Work is also underway a new ADA entrance to the AMUC.
Upcoming work includes two major events next week. Crews will work to place the first concrete slab on grade for a section of the south pavilion. A mobile crane will arrive and be assembled and tested over several days. It will be used over the course of the project to pick up large steel columns and beams, heavy pieces of equipment and misc.
Question: Do you know where the marble for this project comes from -- or the source of marble for Emory’s first construction on this campus 100 years ago? Find the answers in a recent issue of the CLC Newsletter.
Crews are preparing for the first slab on grade concrete pour. This area is part of the future CLC kitchen and restaurant, which accounts for the numerous underground utility systems, plumbing, and electrical. (Photo credit: Campus Services.)
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