Message 5-24-2021 | FWA Policy | FWA FAQ | FWA Resources

Who is eligible for a flexible work arrangement?

Employees who demonstrate a sustained level of performance and the ability to work under minimal direct supervision may be eligible for a flexible work arrangement (FWA). To be eligible, an employee’s job must be suitable for such an arrangement, as assessed by their supervisor and division leadership.

What types of flexible arrangements are available?

Departments may consider one or more of the following flexible work arrangements (FWAs):

  • Flexible work hours: An employee may request workday start and end times that differ from the established standard (8 a.m. to 5 p.m.), maintaining the same number of hours per week.
  • Telecommuting: An employee may work from a remote location up to one day per week with the permission of their supervisor and their ELT member.
  • Compressed work week: An employee may work a 40-hour week over four days instead of five or make other arrangements that cover the same number of hours.
  • Fully remote work: Working remotely on a full-time basis is viewed as an exception and will be considered only under certain circumstances.

What is the process to request a flexible work arrangement?

An employee must submit an official proposal to their supervisor. The proposal should include the work arrangement being requested and details regarding how work responsibilities can be managed and measured throughout such an arrangement. See the workplace flexibility page on Emory’s Human Resources website for additional details. Once a general agreement is reached, the specifics of the FWA should be captured in writing in a Flexible Work Arrangement Agreement. A sample agreement can be found on the HR Workplace Flexibility webpage under Working Flexibly. Details of the arrangement must be documented and agreed to in writing and by the employee and the supervisor.

What resources or training are available to help me determine the best FWA option for proposal?

Employees and supervisors are strongly encouraged to complete the FWA training offered by Human Resources. In addition, The Emory Work Life Resource Center can advise employees and supervisors about flexible work arrangements. The center supports management in evaluating, implementing, and measuring these programs. However, it does not mandate a business unit to implement a workplace flexibility solution, nor does it advocate on behalf of an employee for an FWA program.

If approved, are there specific location or space requirements governing my remote workspace?

Employees working from an off-campus location are required to have adequate space to support their ability to perform their job effectively and seamlessly. Customer service expectations are the same whether an employee is working on or off campus.

Who is responsible for my remote office set up and equipment if I telecommute?

Campus Life is not responsible for the supply or set up of a remote office for an employee who elects to telecommute. However, ECL will consider, where feasible in the normal replacement schedule, the replacement of desktop computers and phones with laptop computers, notebooks, use of softphones, headphones, and other devices that enable greater mobility.

Is there a probationary period for employees upon approval for FWA?

A trial period is recommended for new FWAs with reviews each semester to evaluate the effectiveness and ongoing suitability of the FWA. If employee productivity or performance does not meet departmental expectations or if the job is no longer suitable for an FWA, the arrangement may be suspended, amended, or terminated at any time.

How will employees participating in FWA be evaluated on their performance?

Consistent with Emory policies, supervisors should perform mid-year and year-end performance reviews of employees. Performance reviews should include assessment of the continued appropriateness of a flexible work arrangement and the employee’s performance during a flexible work arrangement.