Emory Interactive Map
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Using GIS (geographical information systems) the buildings, roads, shuttle stop locations and other map features all have been drawn to scale and represented accurately. This provides the viewer with a better understanding of distances and more effective way finding. The campus map includes the Wesley Woods, Briarcliff and Clairmont campuses and can be printed from the web in a variety of formats.
Printable Maps
Directions to Atlanta Campus
Atlanta's mass transit system is MARTA (Metro Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority). MARTA operates a coordinated system of bus and train lines for access to all of Atlanta. Exact change ($1.75) or tokens are required.
The Emory campus is accessible from the Lindbergh MARTA station and the Candler Park station on the #6-Emory bus or from the Arts Center station and the Avondale station on th #36-North Decatur bus.
Coming from the airport, take any train northbound to the Lindbergh MARTA station, and take the #6-Emory bus to the Emory campus. Ask the bus driver to let you off in Emory Village. From this stop, walk up the hill into the campus to the first building on the left, the B. Jones Center. For a bus schedule, access the MARTA homepage. Weekly and monthly passes, good for unlimited rides on all routes, are available.
Directions to Clairmont Campus
Take exit 60-B, the Moreland Avenue North exit. Turn right on Moreland and follow it approximately 3 miles. Moreland will change to Briarcliff Road once it crosses Ponce de Leon Avenue. Continue straight on Briarcliff approximately 2 miles to North Decatur Road. Turn right and follow North Decatur Road past Emory's main campus to the intersection at Clairmont Road Take a left at the light on Clairmont Road. Follow Clairmont Road down the hill and take a left onto Starvine Way and into Clairmont Campus at the second light.
Take exit 60-B, the Moreland Avenue North exit. Turn right on Moreland and follow it approximately 3 miles. Moreland will change to Briarcliff Road once it crosses Ponce de Leon Avenue. Continue straight on Briarcliff approximately 2 miles to North Decatur Road. Turn right and follow North Decatur Road past Emory's main campus to the intersection at Clairmont Road. Take a left at the light on Clairmont Road. Follow Clairmont Road down the hill and take a left onto Starvine Way and into Clairmont Campus at the second light.
Take exit 248-C, the Freedom Parkway exit. Cross Boulevard; continue on Freedom Parkway; veer left at split; continue until it ends at Ponce de Leon Avenue, then turn right. From Ponce, turn left onto Briarcliff Road. Go approximately 2 miles to North Decatur Road. Turn right and follow North Decatur Road past Emory's main campus to the intersection at Clairmont Road. Take a left at the light on Clairmont Road. Follow Clairmont Road down the hill and take a left onto Starvine Way and into Clairmont Campus at the second light.
The airport is located in the southwest section of the city, approximately 25 minutes from the Emory University campus. Visitors driving from the airport should take I-85 North. To Emory from Interstate 85 North, take exit 248-C, the Freedom Parkway exit. Cross Boulevard; continue on Freedom Parkway; veer left at split; continue until it ends at Ponce de Leon Avenue, then turn right. From Ponce, turn left onto Briarcliff Road. Go approximately 2 miles to North Decatur Road. Turn right and follow North Decatur Road past Emory's main campus to the intersection at Clairmont Road. Take a left at the light on Clairmont Road. Follow Clairmont Road down the hill and take a left onto Starvine Way and into Clairmont Campus at the second light.
Take exit 91, the Clairmont Road exit. Turn left (east) on Clairmont Road and follow it approximately 3 miles. Turn right onto Starvine Way and into Clairmont Campus at the light immediately past the VA hospital.
Atlanta's mass transit system is MARTA (Metro Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority). MARTA operates a coordinated system of bus and train lines for access to all of Atlanta. Exact change ($2.50) or tokens are required.
Clairmont Campus is most easily accessed from the Decatur and Chamblee rail stations on the #19-Clairmont bus. The bus stop is at the entrance of Clairmont Campus (at Starvine Road.) Coming from Decatur, campus is about a mile past the intersection of Clairmont Road and North Decatur Road. From Chamblee, campus is immediately past the VA Hospital on your right.
For a bus schedule, access the MARTA website. Weekly and monthly passes, good for unlimited rides on all routes, are available.
A cab ride from the airport to campus will cost from $30 to $40 and will take approximately 25 minutes with normal traffic. Allow at least an hour's travel time during weekday rush hours, 7:00 a.m. until 9:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. until 7:00 p.m.