Case Management Services Focuses on assessing needs, referring to services, coordinating care, and supporting all undergraduate, graduate, and professional students.
Emory Connects Share career advice and connect with students and alumni by joining Emory Connects, our exclusive, online professional networking platform.
Enterepreneurship and Innovation Center Fosters entrepreneurship and innovation born of critical inquiry, developed to serve fundamental societal needs, executed according to sound business principles, and conceptualized in ways that open possibilities and spark imagination.
Pathways Center Provides students with integrated career services, undergraduate research, national scholarships and fellowships, pre-health advising, and experiential learning.
Pre-Health Advising Supports students until they are ready to apply to healthcare professional schools.
Student Involvement, Leadership, and Transitions A hub for campus involvement, events, and programs. SILT programs and events are aimed at promoting engagement, learning, intercultural competency, enhancing leadership capacity in our students, and building community.
The Hatchery Supports student innovators and entrepreneurs from all Emory schools, and covers all stages of innovation from inspiration and learning to projects and startups.